quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010


Hi, all'a you, what's up this week? crazy weather huh? anyway this week i was pressed to make a post on friday couse this is probly the last one i'll make (well for now anyway, who knows i might just post some more later) and so to go out (or on hiatus) with a bang its time for some crazy good vid and i'm talking about "Bullet" a vlogger on YT made using a manga (as in Japanease comics) a song by Non Point "Bullet with a Name" and of curse his wit and imagination, the way he made this pictures gain life was by painfully cropping the elements from them all, one by one from each other and them adding them to a vid with a sound track, can't begin to understand how much work, and hours did he put into it, but i'm glad he did, couse it turned out epic, anyway, the video i'm talking (Praising) about is:

Awesome huh?

You can watch more of his work here: Palmex

Be seeing you guys (who knows maybe sooner tham i think ^^, or not XD.).
Good Luck and God Speed,

domingo, 14 de novembro de 2010

Julian Beever & Kurt Wenner - Street Art

Whats'up People? yes its the weekend again and so time for another post, this time i bet your tired to hear how much of a daft punk fan boy i am so i'm not gonna put one of there songs or something even related to them, this week its going to be a video about street art from 2 guys named Julian Beever and Kurt Wenner, where they paint a series of art pieces in perspective right on the floor, making them out right awesome. XD

Till next week, Sayonara. :p

domingo, 7 de novembro de 2010

Volpin Props

Hi, got a surprice for you all this week as today i'll talk about Props, not the kind you thinking but, costume props made by Volpin (Volpin Props) such as the:

Guy-Manuel de homem Christo helmlet (not the real one he made a replica :p)

he was a blog (link above) where he dysplays most of his stuff, alot of other interesting finds await you XD.

soo what's keeping you? go there NOW. XD

sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010

Yo, another week another theme, and today's is Daft Punk, there were some rumers going around the web that, our Punk friends where going to do some sound tracks for the new "Tron" movie, well the truth was even better, they are not going to do 1 song, but all of them, great right? if you think about it Daft Punk and "Tron" go very well in hand, and so to celebrate, here is a song that is tumored to be leacked from the OST "Derezzed"


Back next week, Till then Behave, or don't, i don't care XD.

sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010

Juno Reactor Vs Don Davis - Navras

Hi what's every one up to this week?

Anyway this week i bring you a song witch most of you will probably recognize, its from a very well known movie called "The Matrix"...
and the songs name is "Navras" and without further ado here it is:

See? i told you'll know it.
Till next week then, BB.

sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010

The Glitch Mob

Hi there, back with another theme for these week, alittle late, but in time XD,

So today i'm here to talk about Music, a very cool band of DJs called "The Glitch Mob"
know for some very cool hits like "Drive it like you stole it" used in a talent performance for america's got talent
by a group called "Fighting Gravity" that got quite alot of views in Youtube (here's the vid) but what i'm here to talk about is the song it self and that song is this one:

for more "The Glitch Mob" go to: http://www.theglitchmob.com/

See ya'll next week.

segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010

The Unseen Sea

hi, its been a week and, that is the rate at witch i'll be updating this blog, and without further ado this, week's cool stuff is:


The Unseen Sea

a Time-Lapse video by Simon Christen
as i watched this amazing video it gave me a sense of calmness and its quality just blow me away, so i desided to share this with you all, and so, here it is:

The Unseen Sea from Simon Christen on Vimeo.

More from Simon Christen here: http://www.simonchristen.com/